If you send a message to a specific person, only you and that person can see the message. If you want to record a breakout room, participants will have to do it locally. If the zoom cloud recording is being used to record the meeting, then only the main room with all participants will be recorded. Zoom makes it easy to move around the room, share your screen with others, and join a meeting from anywhere! Everyone can participate instantly using their laptops, phones or tablets. Zoom is an easy way to meet with people, share your presentation, collaborate together, and make decisions. Receive high-quality audio and video with little delay in remote participants. Zoom is a video conferencing system that allows you to hold meetings on your computer or tablet.

We've created this collection of funny Zoom meeting memes for you to share during your next conference call and these funny Zoom memes for conference calls are guaranteed to beat the boring blues of remote team meetings. But let’s be honest: we all know how useless and unproductive these meetings can get most of the time. Zoom (and other similar apps) are meant to offer communication tools that allow you to actually talk with your colleagues, host virtual team building sessions and share ideas, your screen, and so on.

This means that communication and collaboration isn't something everybody will get on a daily basis.

But when you have a remote job or are part of a distributed team, that's not always an option.

When you work in the office, you get the option to interact with your colleagues face-to-face.